Foster Volunteer ApplicationDo you want to start fostering cats, dogs, or puppies with NWAC? Do you live in the Portland/Beaverton area? Then we want to hear from you!Please right-click to download our foster agreement, fill it out, and email it to Then fill out the following foster volunteer application.Have questions about what it’s like to foster with us? Check out our volunteer FAQ.Interested in volunteering in transportation, grant writing, or some other activity? Skip this form and apply here instead. Name * First Name Last Name Preferred pronouns Address * Foster volunteers must live in the Portland metro area of Oregon. If you live outside the U.S., do not share your information with us Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Home Phone * (###) ### #### Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Occupation * Age * Foster volunteers must be at least 18. By submitting your application to us, you confirm you are 18 or older. If you are under 18, do not share your information with us Number of years at current residence * Do you plan to move within the next six months? * Yes No What type of home do you live in? * House Apartment Condo Other Do you own or rent your home? * Own Rent If you rent, please provide your landlord's name and phone number How many people live at this address? * What are the ages of everyone who lives in your home? * Does anyone in your home smoke? * Yes No Can you provide a smoke-free area for foster pets in your home? * Yes No Please tell us about any pets you have (species, breed, age, gender of each) * Are all the pets in your home spayed/neutered? * Please be mindful that some foster pets may be unaltered upon intake. NWAC will spay/neuter them as soon as possible according to veterinary guidelines Yes No Not applicable; there are no pets in my home Are all the pets in your home up to date on their vaccinations? * Please be mindful that some foster pets may be unvaccinated upon intake. NWAC will vaccinate them as soon as possible according to veterinary guidelines Yes No Not applicable; there are no pets in my home Do you plan for your fosters to be: * Totally indoors Totally outdoors Indoors and outdoors Please describe your yard, if it is fenced and, if so, the height of the fence This question is applicable only to those interested in fostering dogs or puppies Which type(s) of animals are you interested in fostering? Please check all that apply * Please note that the more categories you select, the more fostering opportunities will be available to you Adult cats over 1 year Kittens 8 weeks to 1 year Kittens requiring bottle feeding Nursing/pregnant cats with kittens Kittens/cats recovering from injury/trauma Adult dogs over 1 year Puppies 8 weeks to 1 year Puppies requiring bottle feeding Nursing/pregnant dogs with puppies Puppies/dogs recovering from injury/trauma Which type(s) of fostering assignments interest you? Please check all that apply * Respite fostering assignments, ranging from a few days to a few weeks Short-term fostering assignments, ranging from 3-12 weeks (our most typical assignments) Long-term fostering assignments, ranging from 3-6 months or more Do you have any fostering experience? If so, please describe How did you hear about NWAC? * Search engine (Google, Bing, etc.) Friend/family referral Social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) Petfinder Event (Kitten Snuggle at Mud Bay, Kittens + Beer at Loyal Legion, etc.) Other I understand it is my responsibility to review the volunteer FAQ located at to familiarize myself with NWAC volunteer policies and procedures. I also understand that I can direct any additional questions to the coordinator assigned to me * Yes, I understand and have already reviewed it Yes, I understand and will review it later I understand that my foster volunteer application will not be reviewed until I read, initial, and sign the foster agreement linked at the top of this page, then email it to * This document may be initialed and e-signed with an app like Adobe Acrobat or you may physically print, sign and scan it Yes, I understand and I have already signed/submitted it Yes, I understand and I will sign/submit this later Questions/comments Thank you so much for your interest in fostering with NWAC! Your application has been successfully submitted.If you haven’t already signed and submitted the foster agreement linked at the top of this page, please do so now and email it to Your application will not be complete until this agreement is submitted.Thanks, again!